Dear Colleagues:

Welcome to the December issue of Psychiatry 2010. We hope you all are enjoying the holiday season and are looking forward to a healthy, happy 2011. As you know, I normally provide a brief synopsis of each article in the current issue. However, this month, I would like to focus on some exciting changes for the Journal.

The December issue of Psychiatry 2010 is a milestone for us. First, it marks the end of our seventh year of publication. It is also our 75th issue! We are proud to have served our readers for seven years and we are looking forward to many more years of publication. Many of you have been reading the journal since its inception in July of 2004. Launched as Psychiatry 2004, each year the name is updated to reflect the changing year. The title of the journal reflected the desire to disseminate the most up-to-date, evidence-based information available to practicing clinicians in the field of psychiatry.

When we launched the journal, we recognized that on one end of the publishing spectrum, there were several research-based, academic journals currently being published in the field of psychiatry. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there were several tabloid-based, news-based magazines being published. Both types of publications served specific needs in the field, but there was an unmet need in the dissemination of information—how to apply the evidence-based research from the academic journals in the reader-friendly, practical format of the tabloids. Our editorial mission has always been to bridge that gap between the heavy research journals and the news-based magazines. The title of the journal has reflected that within the pages of the journal, there is peer-reviewed information based on the latest evidence written in a straight-forward, easy-to-read, how-to manner that clinicians in the trenches could apply to their daily practice and treatment of their patients.

This fall, as we prepared to enter our eighth year of publication in 2011, a strategic review found that the title Psychiatry no longer accurately reflected the journal’s content nor the trend of the coming together of research in CNS disorders. As a result, our editorial mission will formally reflect this evolution, and will include other areas of CNS, including pain, neurology, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.

After careful consideration, we have decided that starting with the January 2011 issue (Volume 8, Number 1), the journal will now be called Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience. We believe this title better reflects the journal’s content, while addressing the shifting trends of the CNS market. And so, the December issue of Psychiatry 2010 is truly a milestone. Not only is it our 75th month of publication, ending our seventh year, it is our last issue under the current naming convention Psychiatry 2010. The field of psychiatry will remain a core focus of the journal, but we will continue to expand our dissemination of peer-reviewed, evidence-based information to incorporate more neurology, pain, Alzheimer’s and dementia, and other CNS-related fields. Please CLICK HERE for some additional information regarding the name change. I also invite you to visit the journal website for updates.

As always, we welcome your feedback. Please feel free to email or call us with any questions.

Amir Kalali, MD
Editor, Psychiatry 2010