Sexual Function and Disability in the Neurorehabilitation Setting: An Urgent Need for a Multidisciplinary Approach
by Rocco Salvatore Calabrò, MD, PhD, and Alfredo Manuli, MSc
by Rocco Salvatore Calabrò, MD, PhD, and Alfredo Manuli, MSc
by David V. Sheehan, MD, MBA; Maria Gasior, MD, PhD;
by Philip D. Harvey, PhD, and Richard SE Keefe, PhD
by Randy A. Sansone, MD, and Lori A. Sansone, MD
by Philip D. Harvey, PhD, and Christopher R. Bowie,
by Philip D. Harvey, PhD Dr. Harvey is from the
by Philip D. Harvey, PhD Dr. Harvey is from the
by Philip D. Harvey, PhD, and Dawn I. Velligan, PhD
by Randy A. Sansone, MD, and Lori A. Sansone, MD