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DSM-V Scientific Forum

Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience announces DSM-V Scientific Forum. ICNS readers, whether they are DSM fans or critics, are invited to share their views in Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience DSM-V Scientific Forum.

For information on the DSM-V, readers are encouraged to visit the APA DSM-V Development website.

Guidelines for participation. The guidelines for participating in this forum are simple:
1. If the reader likes or agrees with a current DSM diagnosis or criteria, he or she should tell us why and suggest ways to improve the current DSM system.
2. If the reader does not agree with a current DSM diagnosis, criteria, or other issue, he or she should tell us why and advise and provide alternatives to improve the current DSM system.
3. Readers can comment on the new proposed diagnostic criteria for DSM-V.
4. Readers are expected to provide a thorough review of literature and use scientific data to support their views.

Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience DSM-V Scientific Forum kicked off with Aboraya’s commentary, “Recommendation for DSM-V: A Proposal for Adding Causal Specifiers to Axis I Diagnoses,” which was published in the December issue, following by Ronald Pies’s commentary “How to Eliminate Narcissistic Personality Disorder Overnight,” in the February issue.

Instructions for participation. Reader participation in this forum can take place in the following manner:

1. Online. Readers can post their opinions and comments by using the “comment” feature at the bottom of the Aboraya Commentary. Comments should be concise, on topic, and evidence based. Please include your name with your comment. Off topic or anonymous comments on the website will NOT be posted. Please refer to the guidelines above for participation.

2. In the journal. Readers can submit brief commentaries to the journal for consideration and possible publication in an upcoming issue of the journal. All commentaries should be evidence based, concise, and on topic, 500 to 1,000 words, with references. All commentaries will be reviewed by the editors and will be accepted or not accepted based on that review. Revisions may be required. Please refer to the guidelines above for participation, as well as the author guidelines for submissions to the journal. Anonymous or off topic commentaries will not be considered.

3. Anonymously. Anonymous comments will NOT be published in the journal or on the website. Readers can submit anonymous comments directly via email to eklumpp (at) matrixmedcom (dot) com. Indicate in the email that the comment is to be anonymous. Anonymous comments that are considered constructive by the editors will be labeled “anonymous” and included with the other accepted comments and commentaries sent to the DSM-V task force.

Deadline for submissions. All comments and commentary submissions should be via the journal website or email by May 15, 2011. Accepted commentaries will be published in upcoming issues of the journal. Accepted comments made to the website will be posted on a daily basis.

We hope Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience readers will contribute to the DSM-V Scientific Forum. Your voice is the voice that counts, so let it be heard. All responses will be compiled and submitted to the DSM-V task force.

Questions. For submissions and/or questions, please e-mail Elizabeth Klumpp, Executive Editor, eklumpp (at) matrixmedcom (dot) com or call 484-266-0702.