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The Neuroscience Report—Vol. 21 (September 21, 2015): Emerging Trends in Neuroscience

The latest in neuroscience—sorted and summarized for you

Welcome to The Neuroscience Report where each week we will highlight a specific topic in neuroscience and provide you with links to 5 journal articles, 5 news articles, and 5 wildcard picks. Brought to you by Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience—your source for peer-reviewed, evidence-based information.

This Week’s Topic: Emerging Trends in Neuroscience

Journal Articles

The Impact of Neuroscience on Society: Cognitive Enhancement in Neuropsychiatric Disorders and in Healthy People

Efficacy of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in the Treatment of Schizophrenia: A Review of the Literature to Date

Closed-loop Brain-Machine-Body Interfaces for Noninvasive Rehabilitation of Movement Disorders

Neuroenhancement of Exposure Therapy in Anxiety Disorders

Computational Rationality: A Converging Paradigm for Intelligence in Brains, Minds, and Machines

New Articles

Will Memory-boosting NeuroGum Chew Into a Share of the Market?

Thync Mood-changing Wearable Device Officially Launches—we go hands-on (again)

Global Market Study on Neurostimulation Devices: Deep Brain Stimulation Devices to Witness Highest Growth by 2020

Moving Beyond SSRIs: Fast-acting Experimental Depression Drugs Show Strong Results In Animals

Do “Brain Training” Games Really Work?


The Rise of Work Doping

Human-Like: Facebook Is Using Our Data To Build The ‘World’s Best’ Artificial Intelligence Lab

Instead of Robots Taking Jobs, A.I. May Help Humans Do Their Jobs Better

This is Your Brain. This is Your Brain as a Weapon.

Can We Create an Artificial Brain?

Have a great week….because….dogs.

Watch this dog’s reaction when his owner pretends to collapse.