The latest in neuroscience—sorted and summarized for you
Welcome to The Neuroscience Report where each week we will highlight a specific topic in neuroscience and provide you with links to 5 journal articles, 5 news articles, and 5 wildcard picks. Brought to you by Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience—your source for peer-reviewed, evidence-based information.
This week’s topic: Neuroethics
Journal Articles
Neuroethics: A Modern Context for Ethics in Neuroscience
Brain Matters: From Environmental Ethics to Environmental Neuroethics
The Is and Ought of the Ethics of Neuroenhancement: Mind the Gap
Minds, Motherboards, and Money: Futurism and Realism in the Neuroethics of BCI Technologies
Neurogenethics: An Emerging Discipline at the Intersection of Ethics, Neuroscience, and Genomics
News Articles
Did Google’s NHS Patient Data Deal Need Ethical Approval?
Doctor’s Plan for Full-Body Transplants Raises Doubts Even in Daring China
NIH BRAIN Funding for Neuroethics Research
We May Not Like It, but There Are Ethical Reasons to Use Animals in Medical Research
No New Neuroscience Without Neuroethics
If You Could Take a Pill to Improve Your Creativity, Would You?
If Trauma Victims Forget, What Is Lost to Society?