The latest in neuroscience—sorted and summarized for you
Welcome to The Neuroscience Report where each week we will highlight a specific topic in neuroscience and provide you with links to 5 journal articles, 5 news articles, and 5 wildcard picks. Brought to you by Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience—your source for peer-reviewed, evidence-based information.
This week’s topic: Psychology of Technology in Society
Journal Articles
Virtual Detox: Inpatient Therapy for Internet Addicts
Toward Psychoinformatics: Computer Science Meets Psychology
iPosture: The Size of Electronic Consumer Devices Affects our Behavior
News Articles
Psychologists Propose Horrifying Solution to PTSD in Drone Operators
This Adult Summer Camp Separates Workaholics From Their Phones
Oldest Adults May Have Much to Gain from Social Technology, According to Stanford Research
The World’s First Neural Synthesizer Creates Music From Human Cells
The AI Revolution: Our Immortality or Extinction
How Two Trailblazing Psychologists Turned the World of Decision Science Upside Down
A Great Explanation of the Obscure Psychology Theory That Drives Westworld
Two Powerful Mental Models: Network Effects and Critical Mass
Have a great week!!