Past Articles
Current and Emerging Technologies to Address the Placebo Response Challenge in CNS Clinical Trials: Promise, Pitfalls, and Pathways Forward
by William P. Horan, PhD; Gary Sachs, MD; Dawn I.
by William P. Horan, PhD; Gary Sachs, MD; Dawn I.
by Edson Silva-Filho, PhD, and Rodrigo Pegado, PhD Both authors
by Jacqueline Lutz, PhD; Abhishek Pratap, PhD; Eric J. Lenze,
by Swapnajeet Sahoo, MD; Diksha Sachdeva, MPhil; Sana Yumnam, MD;
by Andrew Yimu Vassantachart, MD; Elizabeth Yeo, MD; and Brian
Funding/financial disclosures. The authors have no conflict of interest relevant
by Georgia Mitsi, PhD; Todd Grinnell, BA; Suzanne Giordano, PhD;
by Erica A. Smith, PhD; William P. Horan, PhD; Dominique
by Elizabeth Yeo, BS; Brian Chau, MD; Bradley Chi, BS;
By Rocco Salvatore Calabrò, MD, PhD; Simona Portaro, MD, PhD;