Bipolar Disorder
Role of TNF-α -308G/A Polymorphism in Bipolar Disorder and its Relationship with Clinical and Demographic Variables
by Shama Akram, MPhil; Moazzam Ali, PhD; Zeeshan Mutahir, PhD; Nabeel
by Shama Akram, MPhil; Moazzam Ali, PhD; Zeeshan Mutahir, PhD; Nabeel
Funding/financial disclosures. The authors have no conflict of interest relevant
by Jeffrey Guina, MD; Sara Barlow, BS; and Duren Gutierrez,
by Philip D. Harvey, PhD; Michelle L. Miller, MS; Raeanne
by Charisse Chehovich, PharmD; Tammie Lee Demler, BS, PharmD, MBA,
by Sriram Ramaswamy, MD; David Driscoll, PhD; and Lynette M.
by Anoop Narahari, MD; Mariyah Hussain, MD; and Venkatesh Sreeram, MD
by Jonathan R. Scarff, MD Dr. Scarff is a staff
by Joanna P. MacEwan, PhD; Seth Seabury, PhD; Myrlene Sanon
Innov Clin Neurosci. 2016;13(7–8):13–14. Dear Editor: Substance use disorders frequently