WAVES: A Novel Test to Evaluate Visuospatial Construction Ability in a School-aged Population
by Franco Di Cesare, MD; Cristiana Di Carlo, MSc; and Leonardo
by Franco Di Cesare, MD; Cristiana Di Carlo, MSc; and Leonardo
by Franco Di Cesare, MD; Cristiana Di Carlo, MSc; and Leonardo
by Rachael J. Murphy, MD Dr. Murphy is with the
by Shama Akram, MPhil; Moazzam Ali, PhD; Zeeshan Mutahir, PhD; Nabeel
by Brent Schnipke, MD, and Michael MacKay, DO Both authors
by Ann L. McNary, JD Ms. McNary is a Senior
Funding/financial disclosures. The authors have no conflict of interest relevant
Funding/financial disclosures. The authors have no conflict of interest relevant
by Muhannad M. Alsharidah, MBBS; Mohammad Uzair, BS; Sarah S.
by Antonino Naro, MD, PhD; Luana Billeri, MSc; Paola Lauria,