Current Issue
Letter to the Editor: Schizophrenia with catatonia and stupor is an emergency and requires immediate psychiatric and neurological evaluation
Innov Clin Neurosci. 2024;21(10–12):8. Dear Editor: The interesting article by
Innov Clin Neurosci. 2024;21(10–12):8. Dear Editor: The interesting article by
Innov Clin Neurosci. 2024;21(4–6):8–10. Funding/financial disclosures. Dr. Citrome is a
Innov Clin Neurosci. 2024;21(4–6):8–10. Funding/financial disclosures. Dr. Zaragoza Domingo is
by Mark G. A. Opler, PhD, MPH; Amy Claxton, PhD*;
by Allison Zuckerberg, MD; Nitin Pothen, MD; and Adriana Fitzsimmons,
by Leslie Citrome, MD, MPH; Marko A. Mychaskiw, BSRPh, MS,
Funding/financial disclosures. The author has no conflicts of interest relevant
by Alok Singh, MD Dr. Singh is with All India
by Rachel Little, MA, and Dale D’Mello, MD Ms. Little
by Rajashekar Reddy Yeruva, MD; Yafei Shang, MD; Ben Schoenbachler,